Yesterday I wrote about the incredible bonuses available with The Wholesale Formula. If you missed that post, you can find it here.
I also spoke about the free training that was available to learn about creating a business on Amazon with wholesaling. You can watch that free training here, and the second free training here.
Today I am going to walk you through what exactly The Wholesale Formula course is. You can watch the video below, or if you prefer to read, I will also write about the course below the video.
The Wholesale Formula is a course like none that I’ve ever seen before. Dan and Dylan have really gone out of their way to make this a very easy course to follow, and they have included everything that you could need to be successful with creating a wholesale business with Amazon.
One of the first things you see when you login to the members’ area is an invitation to join their Facebook group. So if you purchase, you can become part of their Facebook group where any question that you have will be answered, and you will get all the support that you need. You can also click on the icon in the lower right, if you have any questions as you’re going through the course. Their support, all along the way is phenomenal. If you take advantage of that, there’s just no way that you would fall through the cracks, or get lost.
The Wholesale Formula course is set up by modules. For instance, this first one is Getting Started and it talks about how to set up a business. Every module has a beginning where they ask you what it is that you already know. It’s called Gauge Your Understanding. And if you already know all of the information in that module, then you can feel comfortable skipping all of it and going on to the next module. You can also download all of the videos in PDF form. if you prefer to read, or if you prefer to have both, you can have both. If there’s something that they talk about in the lesson, that you might need more information on, they have additional videos and tutorials that you can use to learn more. At the end of each module, there is another questionnaire to see if you have retained what it is that you’ve learned and if you have missed anything you can go back and relearn the pieces that you might be missing. Of course, you can go back to all of this at any time, and relearn pieces as you need to. For instance, setting up your LLC. There really is nothing that they leave for chance, everything is covered.
In The Wholesale Formula, they cover product analysis, how to scout products, how to create a value proposition for the brand, so that when you go and approach a brand, they will tell you how to do that, so that you have the best chance of getting that brand’s attention. And then, being able to wholesale the products of that brand. They also have their webinar recordings that they do periodically. So everything that you could possibly need is in this course, along with the support that you need to be successful.
If you go here, you will find the previous training session that you can watch to learn more about The Wholesale Formula, as well as the bonuses that are being offered here.
Click on this link to view The Wholesale Formula Best Bonuses video.
A note about the reviews on this site: I am an affiliate for every product I review. Most of the time, I have purchased the product that I have reviewed. Sometimes vendors of these products give me them without charge in order for me to test them. However, all of my reviews are done as honestly as possible. No promises are made to the vendor regarding my review. If you click a link on this site that takes you to a paid product, the link will be an affiliate link, which means that I will be paid a percentage of the sales price, if you decide to purchase that product.