Welcome back! Today I am reviewing InstaCrusher 2.0. If you missed my review of the first version of InstaCrusher, you can find it here. What is special about InstaCrusher and in particular this newest version? Glad you asked!
InstaCrusher was created by Rich Williams and is both a software and a training package to get traffic and leads on Instagram. Having both traffic and leads can lead to sales and commissions. InstaCrusher 2.0 contains four software tools, allowing you to find the best Instagram niches and creating content easily.
The first piece of software included in InstaCrusher 2.0 is Insta Database (InstaDB). From here you can pick hundred of 6 figure accounts that are filled with buyers.
The second piece of software included in InstaCrusher 2.0 is Insta Template which helps you prepare your content. It allows you to search for great content on the top accounts and then generate templates based on profit boosting posts.
The third piece of software included in InstaCrusher 2.0 is Auto Insta, which allows you to add the background image and text that you found from the Insta Template. This automatically creates the optimized Instagram image.
The final software included is the Insta Cinema software. This, in my opinion is the best of all, as it allows you to create cinamagram that mixes images with the power of video. They are engaging and fun and bring on a ton of likes and shares.
InstaCrusher 2.0 can be used for affiliate marketing, promoting your own products, enhancing your Instagram account or helping local businesses with their account.
You get all 4 softwares and training, starting at just $7! The first version was a ShoestringMarketer’s dream come true, and this version even more so.
Get Your Copy of InstaCrusher 2.0 Here.
A note about the reviews on this site: I am an affiliate for every product I review. Most of the time, I have purchased the product that I have reviewed. Sometimes vendors of these products give me them without charge in order for me to test them. However, all of my reviews are done as honestly as possible. No promises are made to the vendor regarding my review. If you click a link on this site that takes you to a paid product, the link will be an affiliate link, which means that I will be paid a percentage of the sales price, if you decide to purchase that product.