Have you heard of Paypal.me yet? It is an easy way to ask folks to pay you for a product or service. Instead of having to go through a checkout process, you simply give the person a link with your username and the amount and by clicking it, the link goes directly to Paypal where they can pay you.
So I grabbed the username norene and my link is paypal.me/norene
If I want someone to pay me $7, I tack a 7 to the end:
Anyhooo…Jeremy Kennedy has developed a product with 20 (!) ways to use pay.me to bring in some extra money. I have known Jeremy for several years and in addition to being an innovative marketer, he is an all around good guy. He is one of the few marketers who isn’t about the Almighty Dollar, but cares about his customers. He has often goes the extra mile, helping me get on the right path.
I picked up PayMe Instant Profit Spree and look forward to implementing these cool methods.
It is easy and straightforward and perfect for a shoestring marketer.
A note about the reviews on this site: I am an affiliate for every product I review. Most of the time, I have purchased the product that I have reviewed. Sometimes vendors of these products give me them without charge in order for me to test them. However, all of my reviews are done as honestly as possible. No promises are made to the vendor regarding my review. If you click a link on this site that takes you to a paid product, the link will be an affiliate link, which means that I will be paid a percentage of the sales price, if you decide to purchase that product.